Conversations In Schools
'Grassroots And Beyound'🦗

Solution-Focused Conversations In Schools

"A good starting point"


Visualize a group of high school students from different ethnicities gathered in a classroom, eagerly anticipating a positive change—a comprehensive approach to the students' social, emotional, and mental well-being leading to academic success.

Solution-Focused Conversations in Schools paradigms this shift to occur!

Solution-Focused Conversations in Schools

"We are excited to announce the introduction of Solution-Focused

Therapy in our schools at the grassroots level. By doing this, we

aim to amplify the empowering and transformative potential of this

psychological approach, teaching students to recognize and

leverage their strengths and resources rather than focusing on their

problems or deficits. We genuinely feel that this optimistic, inclusive

and respectful approach can foster a culture of resilience, hope,

and personal growth within our schools.

Our aim is to nurture students who are proactive, capable of

adapting to life's challenges, and committed to continual learning

and improvement. This approach can inspire a renewed sense of

purpose and direction among our students and respect for the autonomy and unique experiences of everyone in our school, and the benefits don't stop there, they cascade through to families!

The following (below) appeared under the benefits listed:

Please now note, this been updated, and no longer "Coming Soon" Its here!

Coming Soon: Solution-Focused Conversations in Schools: An Integration of Education and Mental Health.

By implementing this at a
grassroots level, we hope to build a strong foundation for our
student's mental health and well-being that can positively affect
their entire journey through education and beyond. Yet another step
towards creating a more inclusive, respectful, and fulfilling education for all!"

Clicking the benefits (above)  you will realise how far  reaching they are, and there are some empowering examples of conversations!

Solution-focused therapy will not only empower students in their

personal lives. Still, it will  ripple effect on the school environment, promoting happiness, satisfication

 and a more supportive and understanding culture.

My example of this holistic approach relates to my position as a Positive Ageing Innovator. I suggest inspiring reasons for past, present and future educators to rethink new, valid reasons for participating in this new movement caused by the catalyst of positive spiralling loops, Solution-Focused Therapy as excitedly produced.

Becca Levy's Book, Breaking The Age Code, I have been echoing her beliefs about ageing, and made it my determination to break the code and not let negative age stereotypes get in the way of achieving the joy of living and creating a flow of legacies!.

There's video below that gives you  her transformational thoughts on ageing for you and me!

These are challenging times for the education system, where educators leave the profession in droves for myriad reasons.

Questing whether the Blackboard Jungle still exists due to school children facing dysfunctional environments and mental health issues stymie learning progress.

Click on Blackboard Jungle (link above) for a reality check in schools today!

The grassroots introduction of solution-focused conversations in schools is a valid antidote to teacher frustration and unhappiness.

I am proudly a member of AFSA ( Australasia Solution Focused Association.)


Solution-Focused Conversations In Schools
Crosses All Boarders Of Knowledge

Grandma Jack!

A wonderful example, of how everyday conversations are not only the province of counsellors or therapists.

Dixon Chibanda is one of 12 psychiatrists in Zimbabwe -- for a population of more than 16 million.

 Realizing that his country would never be able to scale traditional methods of treating those with mental health issues, Chibanda helped to develop a beautiful solution powered by a limitless resource: grandmothers.

Watch his empowering video that adds to the transformation power conversations in schools and other settings!

An example of this is using my position as a Positive Ageing Innovator.

I have combined this with my web page on the benefits of rethinking, avoiding retirement, or choosing a new profession?

I will apply these concepts to educators and others that span all bodies of knowledge.

Moveover, those in the counselling profession have a profoundly powerful tool in their hands of solution-focused conversations in schools opening new avenues of business expansion to these untapped evolutionary grassroots movement. "Image equipping school children with this".

Additionally, the benefits of Solution-Focused Conversations in Schools provide an evolutionary movement to attract more broad-based educators to fill these vast shortages shown below.

An authentic problem exists in most countries in the world.

 Qualified teachers are the backbone of education that drives schools and classrooms. Few issues threaten the nation as seriously as the growing teacher shortage

. Unfortunately, fewer people are enrolling in this career, and new teachers are quitting at an alarming rate. A nationwide teacher shortage exists, and reports indicate that there are 250,000 teaching vacancies annually across the United States, and teacher education enrollments have declined by 35% (Sutcher, L. et al. 2019). Teacher shortages exacerbate the inequitable distribution of qualified teachers to schools serving low-income individuals and individuals of colour.

Teachers are quitting at alarming rates in my local neck of the woods.

The Australian Education Union has surveyed thousands of public school teachers. Four out of 10 early career teachers say they plan to leave the profession within a decade. Excessive workloads, student behaviour and poor salaries are the main reasons.24 Nov 2023

Are we facing a modern Blackboard Jungle, as the teaching staff are frightened and frustrated applying discipline?

Solution-Focused Conversations In Schools
Applying My Niche

Positive Ageing Innovator

Click above to view my certification.

Positive Ageing Innovates: Who amongst us hasn't furrowed our brows in contemplation of that inevitable phase of life—retirement? Yet, how many of us have paused to genuinely consider the possibilities inherent in that period of life beyond our professional commitments? There is a 'Retirement Rethink Evolution' burgeoning out there, and it's time to explore it at its most transformative cores. Retirement isn't synonymous with redundancy – on the contrary, it's an opportunity to reinvent ourselves cognitively, creatively and contributively. For so long, we've misunderstood retirement as a phase of winding down when it's about embarking on new journeys of fulfilment.

The worry envelopes us often due to the uncertainties and unpredicted changes that arise with age—health, technology, or financial capacities. However, these challenges should be a wake-up call to rethink our strategies. Using the 'Singapore Model', we learn about the power of 'Second-skilling'. It's a concept that reframes retirement, equipping those retired—and those soon to bed—the courage to cultivate a new skill set. It essentially provides a second lease on life, shattering dated stereotypes, shaking free from the constraints of being 'no longer wanted', and embracing a newfound, invigorating purpose in life.

We are doing so to foster' Positive Ageing', a process that's not about defying or denying your years but embracing them with grace, courage, and curiosity. The more we look within and find our untapped abilities, the more we contribute to our growth and inspire others on similar paths. Whether you're considering retirement, undergoing a forced retirement, or are already retired and on the lookout for new ventures, remember – it's never too late, nor early enough, to start a new chapter.

Lastly, have 'Solution-Focused Conversations in Schools' for retirement—with yourself, your loved ones, and professionals who can guide you. Retirement is another classroom in this school of life, where the singular path to progress lies in continuous learning, exploration, and adaptation. Let the latter part of our lives stand proud and tall as a testament to our life experiences, crafting an inspiring narrative of resilience, adaptability, and positive ageing. So, retirement, bring it on! Let's not just face it; let's face it together!

Evolutionary metaphor image stages (below)


The resilience of growth and coping life's struggles.


Stages 1

Abundant with coconuts

"Lovely bunch of coconuts"

Stage 2

Coconut Furniture

Old coconut trees reincarnated!

Metaphor for Positive Ageing!

Stage 3 

Virgin Coconut Oil

Coconut oil health products

Mental and Physical Health.

Stage 4

Leanne's Masterpiece!

Student following positive pathway to learning through all stages!

⚡️One last important thing⚡️

Click the above link, and share Maryam's powerful TEDTALK  story!

I am proud to share Maryam's empowering example of her coping strategies. Please honour how you, too, have had to cope with your life's journey. 

Instead of seeing life's challenges as obstacles; see them as an obstacle course!