Retirement Rethink, Have you checked your forehead lately? No?
Then why on earth are you worried about retirement!
Solution focused therapy case study amplifies your strengths, values and resources as your positive springboard for happiness.
Continue reading "Solution Focused Therapy Case Study Inspirational Hope Beyond Crisis"
Positive Psychology Trailblazers Albany Creek, unique 3Ps integration creates happiness recipe
Continue reading "Positive Psychology Trailblazers Albany Creek With Happiness Recipe"
Positive Aging Strategy heralds winning solutions by collaborative power of client, VIP lifeline(YOu) and me. Happiness cements the strategy!
Continue reading "Positive Aging Strategy Unites The Power Of 3 To Empower Solutions!"
Health Issues decided 40yrs ago and still counting to make them non-events! Regular gym workouts, optimum health and profound Ganoderma supplements!
Continue reading "Health Issues . Enthusiastic Exponent Ageing Healthily & Physically!"
Videos can capture your seesawing life of the empowering goodness and shattering dramas, yet still come up trumps!
Continue reading "Videos have the power in minutes to give you shuddering realisations."
Solution Focused Questions are the magic collaboration to manage family conflict resolutions!
Continue reading "Solution Focused Questions Blitz The Destructive Negatives Questions!"
Retirement Rethink, Have you checked your forehead lately? See a use-by-date? No? Then why on earth are you worried about retirement?
Continue reading "Retirement Rethink, I did this and changed my life!"
Solution Focused Goal Setting is built firstly on your strengths, your lifeline of VIPs and my guidance. Collaboration cracks the success code!
Continue reading "Solution Focused Goal Setting Collaborating Trio-You-VIPs-Me!"
Grandparents are worthy of recognition and that is why we celebrate grandparents day. Unique seasoned experiences and wisdom are privileged only by maturity!
Continue reading "Why We Celebrate Grandparents Day. Their VIPs Status Hugely Rewarding!"
Benefits of Positive Psychology are even more so in the 'New-Normal' period of our lives! Everything we thought we knew needs a rethink!
Continue reading "Benefits of Positive Psychology Is Becoming More Relevant Than Ever!"
Nature provides new lenses to open up to the beauty around you, and any problems you consider pales to insignificance to this splendour.
Continue reading "Nature provides the surprise backdrop at defusing emotional turmoil."
Octogenarian Reboot, ready to make the world a better place. Wrapping the slight edge potency around all our endeavors!
Continue reading "Octogenarian Reboot, Pushing 80's 90's, So What!"
Octogenarian, they don't stop at me to give retirement the flick. Can't wait to practice their wisdom worldwide!
Continue reading "Being an Octogenarian in Your 80's. Innovative TrailBlazers!"
No one told me that midlife had to signal a looming crisis, so I decided opportunities were the way to go. Stagnation is out!
Continue reading "Midlife, Cross Out The Word Crisis; Opportunities Are Knocking!"
Mature Adulthood, transformational brainstorming spiraling positivity of community example posted!
Continue reading "Mature Adulthood, Brainstorming Transformational Legacy Positivity!"